Washington State Grage celebrated 125 Years at this year State Conference in June. Please Join Mountain Valley Grange on Saturday, September 6th as we celebrate the 125 year anniversary of this grange located in Amboy, Washington.

Social Night is Sept. 16th @7pm. Basic Breads Class with light refreshments will be fun. Come learn how to bake bread and take a loaf home. Members will be meeting at 6:30 PM to plan our Harvest Festival in October.. Join us and be a part of the plan. Happy Fall Everyone.

Please RSVP for this baking class so we may ensure enough ingredients to make lots of delicious pies.
Come on out for our English Country Dance, with a few swing dances and line dances thrown in! Suggested donation $5 individual or $10 family. We teach each dance before doing it, so no experience necessary. We hope to see you soon!