Social Night is Sept. 16th @7pm. Basic Breads Class with light refreshments will be fun. Come learn how to bake bread and take a loaf home. Members will be meeting at 6:30 PM to plan our Harvest Festival in October.. Join us and be a part of the plan. Happy Fall Everyone.
Mark your calendar for Saturday, October 25th and attend our fall Harvest Celebration & Carved Pumpkin Contest. We will continue detailing our event plans during our business meeting on October 7th at 6:30 PM.
Proposed Event Activities:
Carved Pumpkin Contest, Costume Contest, Spaghetti Dinner, and lots of Games for Kids as the Fern Prairie Community comes together to celebrate the Harvest season.

Please RSVP for this baking class so we may ensure enough ingredients to make lots of delicious pies.
Please attend our community rummage sale at Fern Prairie Grange on March 7th from 10 AM to 6 PM.
Contact Hazel Ruede for information on tables if you wish to sell items at this community event.
Hurry to reserve your 8 x 10 foot space today.
Tables provided ( while they last) $25. (or bring your own for $15).
Come kick off the Holiday season at
Fern Prairie Grange’s annual
Christmas Bazaar
Gifts, Crafts, Food and Fun!
Get Pictures with Santa!
Download Bazaar Flyer and Vendor Contracts: